winter + honoring transitions

edge of a frozen stream

Out my large front window I'm gazing at the bare tree in my neighbor’s yard, observing the starlings and squirrels finding shelter, and taking in the lush gray sky. Winter is here for us. I feel connected to her. On walks with my dog, I see her signs everywhere… the yellow glow of Christmas lights, the smell of campfires, passerbys bundled snug, and a gray/blue/brown filter over everything.

I adore this time of year. My introverted, perpetual 85 year-old personality loves any excuse to hug a mug of coffee, wear a sweater and stay home. I am leaning into it and noticing a deeper connection emerging. As I write these newsletters and begin to cultivate a practice of being with nature, I feel more connected with the earth and all those that have ventured here before. Abiding with the rhythm of the seasons grounds me, brings a stability and a comfort even when things are stressful.

Can we befriend the transitions, embrace the ebb and flow like the seasons do? My theme this month is to resist the rigid resolutions and the “go-hard” productivity machine. Instead, I’ll remember it’s January, the middle of winter. I’m going to notice her, hang out with her, breathe her in. Care to join?


hearing silence


search for awe